
Ideal IT Organizations
The perfect IT environment is designed to exceed the enterprise's strategic goals while nurturing the individual to achieve exceptional productivity and job satisfaction. An ideal IT environment should have clear objectives that are completely aligned for success. Besides, it should set strategic decisions that can easily and effectively cope with the changing business environment. It should be cost effective and should adapt a culture where honesty, mutual respect and job satisfaction flourish.
IT organizations need to sell to their business colleagues the fact that IT can and should be leveraged for business value and growth. Marketing the IT organization increases the correct perception that IT adds value to the business. Marketing the IT organization raises the enterprise’s recognition of its dependence on the IT organization and helps ensuring that the CIO is a business partner.
IT needs to successfully partner with the business and the best way to achieve this is by organizing itself to respond to the needs of individual business groups. This is only accomplished by establishing working relationships at individual and group levels with all business partners where business teams-including IT as a business-can work together.
Achieving success for an IT organization depends on various factors among which are:
• Managing technology as a strategic asset rather than managing technology as a cost center by managing risks and expectations, ensuring business alignment and vision and examining strategy vs. tactics.
• Partnering with and becoming part of the business by building relationships, creating business teams, presenting business cases and building a track record.
• Recognizing and communicating value to the enterprise by expressing IT’s value to the enterprise.
• IT executives need to unite the business by being one with the business. All individuals must be convinced that they are indeed a valuable element of the business.
Posted by ROOT Technologies